Gregg Kreutz

Gregg Kreutz teaches a morning painting class and an evening drawing class. He studied at the Art Students League of New York with David Leffel and Robert Beverly Hale. He has exhibited with the Allied Artists and in the Audubon Artist annuals. His many awards include the Frank C. Wright Award, Hudson Valley Art Association, 1986; the Medal of Merit (First Prize in oils), Knickerbocker Artists; the Council of American Artists Awards, Salmagundi Club; the Grumbacher Award, Knickerbocker Artists; and First Prize in the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibition. Mr. Kreutz has had one-man shows at Grand Central Galleries, New York City; the Fanny Garver Gallery, Madison, WI; and the Newport Art Association, Newport, RI. He currently exhibits at Quidley & Co., Boston, MA; Trailside Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ; and Gallery Shoal Creek, Austin, TX. The following quotes are from his book, Problem Solving for Oil Painters, published in 1986 by Watson-Guptill. The book is now in its sixth printing. “The intensity of a picture is an echo of the intensity with which it was painted. Your attitude toward the worth of your efforts shows up on the canvas. If you’re indifferent, the picture will be uninvolving. You don’t have to think you are great but you do need to feel that what you’re after is great. . . . “Painters are fortunate in that they can convey large ideas with very modest means. But that ease of production shouldn’t trivialize the painter’s attitude. He shouldn’t feel that a couple of hours spent painting is simply a diversion. It’s really an opportunity to expand. And realistic painting is an especially rewarding endeavor. To actively go after it means to learn what makes art, and what the external world really looks like, and how the two can be fused.” Mr. Kreutz teaches privately at the Scottsdale Artists’ School, the Fechin Institute, and in workshops around the country.