Learning to render the human figure from life in a gestural, vital way is an important skill to master for any aspiring artist. In this course, short timed sketching sessions will allow participants to quickly turn the figure in deep space
and represent the nude form in more dramatic and challenging poses, while longer drawings will encourage the expression of volume and weight in the subject. These exercises are designed to establish easy-to-follow
anatomical formulas and increased recognition of important body landmarks. The sketch sessions will build confidence exponentially until students find that they can document the nude figure in dramatically less
time than before, enabling them to concentrate more on the fluid expression of their marks on paper instead of the simple reportage of their subject.
Greg Follender is a New York based artist/illustrator who has been teaching drawing, painting, and sculpting classes at the American Museum of Natural History for over two decades. His passionate pursuit of rendering the human form has taken him from the wondrous world of book illustration and graphic novels, to character design and costume fabrication in the industry of film and television. With the classes and workshops he instructs at the Art Students League of New York, Greg returns to the roots of his work… the dynamic figure-drawing basics that inspire his personal narrative imagery.